Curries @ Mr. Curry, Grand Indonesia

I really don't remember the name of this dish since the name is just too long. But I do remember that this dish consists of spaghetti and chicken katsu, with original spicy curry sauce. If you don't like spicy food, just order the original sauce. The katsu was cooked perfectly and also the spaghetti. The portion is big enough. It's a nice dish. I'll give it 8 of 10.

Same thing, I can't remember the name since it's too long. The dish consists of rice covered with chopped meat and potatoes in scrambled eggs, also with original curry sauce. The sauce is good. I can't really taste the potatoes and the chopped meats is just too small. It tastes flat... tasteless.. if you don't eat with the sauce. The salad in the small cup is good. I'm not really satisfied with the dish... 6 out of 10, I'll say.

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